Best Mct Oil – Mct Oil Reviews

MCT oil is all the rage these days. Especially with things like Bulletproof Coffee. I feel quite proud to have been there at the beginning of this wonder-supplement’s surge in popularity.  

MCT is oil from medium chain triglycerides, which is found in foods like coconut oil. Why would you want such a supplement? Because…

it delivers some of the most impressive physical and mental benefits of pretty much any supplement. It really is a ‘must-have’ product.

The body burns MCT oil for fuel super easily so it’s common to have more energy, think more clearly, and have improved mood after supplementing your diet with it.




mickey t 8 mct oil

​MiCkey T​MiCkey T Eight ​

  • 100% Pure C-8 Caprylic Acid ​
  • Tasteless, Odorless & Colorless
  • ​Made in USA
  • NON-GMO, Kosher & Halal Certified

hardboiledbody egg

Our #1 Rated

viva naturals mct oil

​Viva Naturals​Viva Naturals ​
  • 100% Capric and Caprylic Acid
  • Odorless and Tasteless
  • Sustainably Grown and Harvested
  • Pure ​Coconut Oil

faded hardboiledbody egg

Our #2 Rated

sports research premium mct oil

​S​ports ResearchS​ports Research Premium ​
  • ​100% Cocnut Sourced
  • No Palm Oil
  • ​BPA Free Bottle

faded hardboiledbody egg

Our #3 Rated


mickey t 8 mct oil

​MiCkey T​Eight MCT Oil


viva naturals mct oil

​​Viva NaturalsMCT Oil


sports research premium mct oil

​Sports ResearchPremium MCT Oil

What is MCT Oil?

As stated above, MCT stands for medium-chain trigylcerides which are a form of saturated fatty acid.  Mct oil is usually derived from coconut because it is a great source of MCTs.  In fact roughlty 65% of the fatty acids found in coconut oil are MCTs.

Medium chain fatty acids are believed to be missing substantially from most people’s diets – or rather though who follow the typical Western diet.  This is because saturated fats have been demonised from a really long time and so most people think they are harmful.  ​

We’ve been told a low-fat diet is the way to go and that oils such as vegetable oil are better for your health.  

​The real truth is that saturated fats are crucial for a healthy diet.  We should be consuming saturated fat daily.

What are ​the benefits of taking MCT Oil?

MCTs get their name from the length of their chemical structure which is based on how many carbons they have.  Medium chain ffats have between 6-12 carbons.

Medium chain fatty acids are very easily digested by the body and thus get sent directly to your liver where they have a thermogenic effect​. Rather than being stored as fat, your body uses ir for energy or fuel instead.

​MCTS are less work for your body to break down compared to longer chain fats and don’t require speical enzymes to help break them down. They also contain antioxidant properties too so Mct oil is perfect for ​reducing inflammation.

​Some of the many benefits of MCT Oil

    • ​Aids weight loss and ​reduces appetite
    • Increases energy levels and improves athletic performance
    • Improves cognitive and neurological function
    • Improves mitochondrial function
    • Its antiviral and antimicrobial
    • Improves the gut

​Can Increase Energy Levels

Your brain is made up mostly of fatty acids, so supplying it consistently with some will help you think more clearly and perform better.  As MCTs are considered one of the most easily digested and utilised fatty acids, it makes sense that they would improve energy levels and your mood.

A ​​2004 study showed that MCTs in coconut oil can help improve memory problems including Alzheimer’s disease in older people (1).

​May Improve Athletic Performance

Although research on MCTs and ahtletic performace is limited, there is some evidence to suggest it may be helpful.  A study (​2) done on mice, showed that those consuming MCTs outperformed mice consuming LCTs during swimming capacity tests.  This may be down to the way the body processed MCTs which increases short term energy.

As shown above MCTs do increase energy levels and help you lose body fat – which are both important for athletic performance.

​Can MCT Oil Help You Lose Weight?

Both human and animal studies have shown thst MCTs are quickly burned and metabolized.  MCTs get absorbed directly into the liver from the gut and therefore do not get stored as fat.  

MCTs can be that little push you need in order to kick start your weight loss goals.

In one study, in the Journal of Obesity and Research (2013), Scientists carried out a randommized control trial to show the effects of MCTs compared to LCTs (or long chain tyglcerids like olive oil).  They specifically looked at energy expenditure, appetite control, body fat storage and other aspects relating to weight loss in overweight men.

Overweight men were put on different diets for 28 days.  One group had a coconut oil (high in MCTs) rich diet while the other have a diet rich in LCTs.

The group that had the coconut oil rich diet lost more body fat and had a larger increase in energy expenditure than the other group (3).  Coconut oil curbed their desire to eat, increase their metabolism and they lose more fat than the men who had an olive oil rich diet.

However it’s not just overweight individuals that MCTs can be helpful to.  If you have minimal amounts of body fat to lose.  Many studies have shown that long term consumption of MCTs has helped healthy adults lose significantly more subcutaneous body than those who took long chain trigylcierides (4). 

 So if you have a little more to lose it might be the answer you are looking for.

What are the side effects of taking MCT Oil?

MCT Oil can be taken every day but you need to build up your tolerance.  If you consume a lot initially you may find you experience stomach upset and diarrhea.​  This is particularly likely to happen if you come from a low fat background.  It takes time for your body to adjust to consuming more fat, particularly when you’ve avoided it in the past.

Generally though, it would appear there are no safety concerns when it comes to consuming MCT oil.  

When first taking this oil, you may find that it is better to take with food to help prevent the digestive issues that can occur.  If anything, make sure you build up slowly.  You could start with a quart-half a teaspoon and see if that is ok and then increase to a full teaspoon when your body has time to adjust to your daily intake of it.


If you take “too much”, your body will just purge it by causing diarrhea which can be a very unpleasant experience.  ​There doesn’t seem to be overall concern about taking too much and this can vary from person to person.  Too much, in the begining, may only be a small amount too if you are body is not adapted to consuming a lot of fat.

What Are The Best MCT Oils – 5 Reviewed

Below I have reviewed 5 Oils that I absolutely love.  I have used them to coincide with a ketogenic diet ​to help improve my energy levels particularly because I have an active lifestyle and also like to hit the gym.

​MiCkey T

​MiCkey T Eight MCT Oil


​Our Rating

mickey t 8 mct oil

  • ​100% Pure C-8 Caprylic Acid
  • Tasteless, Odorless & Colorless
  • Made in USA
  • Non-GMO
  • Kosher & Halal Certified

It’s long lasting, not a blend (completely pure), and even made from kosher and halal products.

This product really makes you feel like a million bucks.

Simply stir it into your morning coffee or tea, or just have a spoonful, and you’ll feel superb.

As you probably know, ​it works great in a fasted state and works best as part of a ketogenic diet and MiCkey T Eight’s is no different but it’s biggest benefit is that it seems to push you into ketosis quicker than other brands.

PROS – ​Great quality product that pushed you into ketosis quickly.

CONS – ​Slightly more expensive than other Brands but well worth it.

​Our #1 Rated

​MiCkey T​​Eight MCT Oil

mickey t 8 mct oil

  • ​100% Pure C-8 Caprylic Acid
  • Tasteless, Odorless & Colorless
  • Made in USA
  • Kosher & Halal Certfied ​

I’m pretty sure that MiCkey T Eight MCT Oil is the best overall. 

It’s long lasting, not a blend (completely pure), and even made from kosher and halal products.

This product really makes you feel like a million bucks.

Simply stir it into your morning coffee or tea, or just have a spoonful, and you’ll feel superb.

As you probably know, MCT oil works great in a fasted state and works best as part of a ketogenic diet and MiCkey T Eight’s is no different but it’s biggest benefit is that it seems to push you into ketosis quicker than other brands.

PROS – ​​Great quality product that pushed you into ketosis quickly.

CONS –  ​​​Slightly more expensive than other Brands but well worth it.

​Viva Labs

​Viva Labs Highly Concentrated MCT Oil


​Our Rating

viva naturals mct oil

  • 100% Capric and Caprylic Acid
  • Odorless and Tasteless
  • Sustainably Grown and Harvested
  • Pure ​Coconut Oil

It’s difficult to choose the best because there are so many top quality oils on the market. But MCT oil reviews that overlook Viva Labs’ are doing a massive injustice to readers.

This brand really is in a class of its own and is quite different from others.

Instead of being derived from coconut oil, this brand gets its goodness from pearl-white kernals of sweet palm fruit.

This ends up making this brand a super affordable option and allows you to mix things up with the nutrition you supply to your body if you buy this along with another coconut-derived brand.

PROS – ​100% pure and no other ingredients.

CONS – All supplements carry a minor risk of side effects, and it appears that a very small percentage of users have experienced substantial gastric discomfort after using this product.

​Our #2 Rated

​​Viva Labs​Highly Concentrated MCT Oil

viva naturals mct oil

  • ​100% Capric and Caprylic Acid
  • Odorless and Tasteless
  • Sustainably Grown and Harvested
  • Pure ​Coconut Oil

It’s difficult to choose the best because there are so many top quality oils on the market. But MCT oil reviews that overlook Viva Labs’ are doing a massive injustice to readers.

This brand really is in a class of its own and is quite different from others.

Instead of being derived from coconut oil, this brand gets its goodness from pearl-white kernals of sweet palm fruit.

This ends up making this brand a super affordable option and allows you to mix things up with the nutrition you supply to your body if you buy this along with another coconut-derived brand.

PROS – ​​100% pure andn o other ingredients.

CONS –  ​​​Comes in a plastic bottle.  Some consumers felt other products were more effective.

S​ports Research

​Premium MCT Oil


​Our Rating

sports research premium mct oil

  • ​100% Cocnut Sourced
  • No Palm Oil
  • ​BPA Free Bottle

Choosing the best can often come down to personal preference.

Some bodies respond well to some brands and other bodies respond better to other brands.

If you’ve already tried the two brands above and you didn’t completely love them, I recommend you give this one a try.

Many people who aren’t bowled over by the top two immediately fall in love with this organic coconut-derived MCT oil from Sports Research. This one goes great in Bulletproof coffee and also makes an awesome oil for drizzling over salads.

PROS – ​Organic and coconut derived. Great drizzled over salads or in coffee.

CONS – ​Soe felt it didn’t live up to MCTs hype.

​Our #3 Rated

​Sports Research​Premium MCT Oil

sports research premium mct oil

  • ​100% Cocnut Sourced
  • No Palm Oil
  • ​BPA Free Bottle

Choosing the best can often come down to personal preference.

Some bodies respond well to some brands and other bodies respond better to other brands.

If you’ve already tried the two brands above and you didn’t completely love them, I recommend you give this one a try.

Many people who aren’t bowled over by the top two immediately fall in love with this organic coconut-derived MCT oil from Sports Research. This one goes great in Bulletproof coffee and also makes an awesome oil for drizzling over salads.

PROS – ​​​Organic and coconut derived. Great drizzled over salads or in coffee.

CONS –  ​​​Soe felt it didn’t live up to MCTs hype.

​Left Coast Perfo​rmance

​Left Coast Performance Coconut MCT Oil


​Our Rating

left coast mct oil

  • 100% pure
  • Derived from coconuts
  • Triple filtered

Some MCT oils cause stomach upset. If this happens to you, don’t immediately blame the oil but instead try searching for a different brand.

If you have a particularly sensitive stomach, I recommend this brand as the best for you.

Left Coast specifically makes their MCT oil so that it is easier to absorb and digest.

It also converts to energy a lot faster than most others so you’re sure to notice a different in your sports endeavors sooner than you had thought!

Another great benefit of this particular brand is that it’s relatively cheap, comparatively speaking.

If you’re on a budget but need something decent, I heartily recommend this one. It won’t let you down!

PROS – ​Derived from coconuts and indepedently tested for quality.

CONS – ​Comes in plastic bottle.

​Our #4 Rated

​Left Coast Performance​​Coconut MCT Oil

left coast mct oil

  • ​100% pure
  • Derived from coconuts
  • ​Triple filtered

Some MCT oils cause stomach upset. If this happens to you, don’t immediately blame the oil but instead try searching for a different brand.

If you have a particularly sensitive stomach, I recommend this brand as the best for you.

Left Coast specifically makes their MCT oil so that it is easier to absorb and digest.

It also converts to energy a lot faster than most others so you’re sure to notice a different in your sports endeavors sooner than you had thought!

Another great benefit of this particular brand is that it’s relatively cheap, comparatively speaking.

If you’re on a budget but need something decent, I heartily recommend this one. It won’t let you down!

PROS – ​Derived from coconuts and indepedently tested for quality.

CONS –  ​Comes in plastic bottle.

NOW Foods

​NOW Foods MCT Oil


​Our Rating

now foods mct oil

  • Made form coconnut/palm kernal oil

NOW Foods is one of the best brands out there. I love NOW Foods and they have consistently given me great products that deliver results.

Whenever I need a supplement, my first port of call is to check if NOW Foods have their own version.

They usually do and it’s always great. NOW Foods’ MCT oil is no different and makes it on the list as one of the best.

It’s cheap, it’s pure, and you know exactly what you’re getting. If you’re looking for a boost in energy or need to drop some fat and you trust the NOW Foods brand as much as I do, investing in this oil is a no-brainer!

PROS – ​Comes in a glass bottle, 100% mct and no other ingredients.

CONS – ​One customer said it’s like drinking sun tan lotion.

​Our #5 Rated

​​NOW Foods​​MCT Oil

now foods mct oil

  • ​Made from coconut/palm kernal oil

NOW Foods is one of the best brands out there. I love NOW Foods and they have consistently given me great products that deliver results.

Whenever I need a supplement, my first port of call is to check if NOW Foods have their own version.

They usually do and it’s always great. NOW Foods’ MCT oil is no different and makes it on the list as one of the best.

It’s cheap, it’s pure, and you know exactly what you’re getting. If you’re looking for a ​boost of energy or need to drop some fat and you trust the NOW Foods brand as much as I do, investing in this oil is a no-brainer!

Also available in soft gels.

PROS – ​​Comes in a glass bottle, 100% mct and no other ingredients.

CONS –  ​​​One customer said it’s like drinking sun tan lotion.

The best MCT oil is a very subjective topic. That’s why there are so many different recommendations. But, after testing a whole bunch of the top-sellers, I can say for sure that you are guaranteed to enjoy at least one of these five, if not all of them!

MCT oil is a pretty miraculous thing and adding one of these brands to your daily supplementation protocol is sure to increase your mental alertness, physical durability, and all-around well-being.

References(​2)  Ward, Dean, and Jim English. “Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs).” Nutrition Review. N.p., 22 Apr. 2013

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